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Mini Hydra 5x Inputs 1x Outputs Automatic SCART Switch Splitter

Cat. No: #1610, Category: Retro Computing Accessories
€ 105.99


Please note that PCB is in black color (not white like photo shown).


DISCLAIMER: "Be aware that in the context of retro gaming, there are two types of csync signals: TTL and 75 Ohm. Most displays and processors will require 75 Ohm csync, but some can accept TTL. As a general rule, unless your setup specifically requires otherwise, your target goal is that the cables you use with your consoles will all be outputting a 75 Ohm signal and the target device will also be receiving a 75 Ohm signal."


Before buy, be sure You have proper 75Ohm sync cables. Please READ FAQ TAB on website for more details.


Fully automatic SCART switch with full galvanic inputs separation. (BOLD - introduced in this REVISED version)

- 5 scart inputs ( RGB, s-video, composite)

- 1 scart ouput

- "Knight rider" style active scart detection

- full ROHS

- Extra protections for NCS CHIPS on each scart input

- Improved signal detection histerisis / all cables shall work now/

- mAVR controller with firmware future updates

- HQ plexi transparent ( made by me ;-) at my laser machine)

- STEREO RCA audio output

- headphones JACK amplified audio ouput (adjustable volume via remote)

- IR controlled

- manual/automatic mode

- DC/AC 5/2.1 mm power supply connector (asuggested 9V; polarity independent); optonal power supply (not included)

 - Dedicted remote control (not included) sold separately - soon; thus You can always use any NEC/ENEC compatible one You may already have - Please, check FAQ tab on website for more details.


How doees it work? Imagine, You have many retro system in use. Amiga, Atari ST, ZX spectrum, etc... And You have only one classical TV/Monitor with one SCART INPUT. Each time, You want to switch system, You have to connect Your machine to Your monitor. Everytime, You do it - You damage scart socket inside. Those days are over. Connect up to 5 computers/consoles to HYDRA, then connect HYDRA to Your TV/Monitor and power on hydra. Since now, HYDRA will detect active scart input and forward all signals to Your monitor. Simple and efficent.


Please, remember: NEVER connect / disconnect SCART PLUGS when HYDRA is ON especially when CONSOLE/SYSTEM is ON !

You may ask why.. Designing device, I put much effort into ability to passthrough many types of signals: from composite to component. To protect device and not to cut signal`s range, HYDRAs have additional ESD protection diodes, but for a short period of time when scanning for active scart, Hydra is defenseless. If You got hit that moment plugging powered on device, You will damage RGB chip with ESD voltage that may reach thousands of volts (not dangerous for you, but electronics is fragile..). This chip may become very hot and protection will probably brick hydra till one of chips is replaced (NCS2564). Possible symptoms:

- knight rider effect stops

- one scart port doesn`t work

- Interferences between ports

- HD led doesn`t work anymore



- No tricky electronics inside as NOT NEEDED. Hydra has built in all necessary features

- Hydra loves composite video or luma at pin 20 of scart

- When You have fun, Hydra does plenty of work – let it work

- Hydra doesn`t like and will not lock on scart with TTL csync as it doesn’t follow scart 75ohm standard – nevertheless source connected directly to Your TV works OK



- left - scan for active source to the left from active one (if active is far left, no action)

- right - scan for active source to the right from active one (if active is far right, no action)

- middle - HD/LOW PASS filter - default ON

- left right pressed - disables "knight rider led effect"

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